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Recreating a famous painting!


Recreating famous paintings is tending right now, so why not go for it. I will provide samples of what we did in our house, and some options of paintings you can recreate. You are not limited to the options I provide. Please feel free to explore other art works for inspiration.

Some people are using themselves, found objects in their house and ever LAUNDRY to create masterpieces. Have fun and enjoy.

Email me your recreations, with the name of the artwork, your full name and teacher.

Henri Matisse, Le Chat Aux Poissons Rouges 1914

We used out fish to star in this one,along with baby Simba and some plastic food from the toy bin. The background was drawn with oil pastels by me and Cadie,and we used whatever red clothing we could find for the wall.

Glyn Philpot, Lady Merchett 1935

Graham is the star of this recreation. Good thing she gave herself bangs of the 3rd day of staying at home HAHA!!!

To find this painting, we searched for red heads in paintings (lol)

Edgar Degas, Dancers at the Barre, 1905

Thank goodness we saved their flower girl dresses! Both Cadence and Graham participated in this recreation. Just positioned them and tilted the camera.

Johannes Vermeer, Girl with a Pearl Earing, 1665

Cadence helped make an earing with an old jingle bell, threw on my coat, and found a ponytail winter hat, and voila!!!

Andrew Wyeth, Christina's World, 1948

Cadence was kind enough to recreate this painting with me this past November (it is one of my favorites!)

Okay, those are my examples. Now here are a few paintings to get you inspired. Remember you can find your own, just make sure your families know you are searching for artwork, they may want to help.

Rene Magritte, Son of Man / Marry Cassatt, Breakfast in Bed / Andy Warhol, Marilyn Monroe

Leonardo da Vinci, Mona Lisa / Grant Wood, American Gothic / Pablo Picasso, Old Guitarist

Edvard Munch, The Scream/ Vincent van Gogh, The Starry Night/ Claude Money, Haystacks


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